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Everything posted by lolo

  1. lolo

    Online Friends

    For me, this is a hard question to reply to. I don't recognize too many differences in the friendships that I have; i search for the same types of people and act more or less the same around them. I find it easier to find people of a common mind on the internet, though I could be mistaken. I have people that I feel close to and that I really enjoy online and in person. At times weeks pass without talking to one from either side, but we always seem to get along how we did before. Putting aside the differences created from the stipulations of each situation, i don't find any major differences personally.
  2. Simple, creative— Two words, change one of them for your new word. Baby Angel Cry baby or Angel face Carrot Hunting
  3. Spanish Major. Though I have not finished yet, i regret studying in the U.S. I chose it because culture and languages are awesome, and are great spectacles through which we can view/explore the world.
  4. That fire looks great. Really rich in detail and reminds me of the warm feeling they provide.
  5. lolo

    Love Advice

    If you really like someone, don't hold back. Better to say how you really feel and be rejected than to lose out on something big.
  6. "The sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a ligh in the darkness of mere being" The Medusa and the Snail - Lewis Thomas "A person who remains oblivious of himself and of the world around him cannot be a very individuated person." A Primer of Jungian Psychology - Calvin S. Hall & Vernon J. Nordby
  7. lolo


    walks, roadtrips, and some other stuff— things as i see them
  8. lolo


    From the album: lolo.jpeg

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